woman having liposuction on her stomach

What Not to Do After Liposuction


Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. This procedure helps you achieve your desired body shape by removing excess fat.

While the surgery is relatively safe, recovery is crucial if you want successful results. Being aware of what not to do after Liposuction can significantly affect your healing process.

Resisting the urge to resume strenuous activities, listening to suggestions from your practitioner, and steering clear of unhealthy eating habits are just some of the things you can do to ensure you heal correctly. These tips can help minimize side effects, swelling, discomfort, and unnecessary weight gain.

We want to ensure you have all the information to help you make informed decisions during your recovery journey. Let’s dive a little deeper into what not to do after Liposuction, tips on effective recovery after Liposuction, what Liposuction is, possible side effects and complications, and much more.

What is Liposuction?

Tummy being marked for liposuction

Before we know what not to do after Lipo, it is crucial to understand what it actually is. This medical procedure aims to remove excess fat deposits from specific body areas. Liposuction involves a skilled surgeon using a suction device to carefully extract unwanted fat, helping to reshape and contour your body.

It is commonly performed on areas like the abdomen, thighs, arms, and hips. Liposuction is the ultimate cosmetic procedure for anyone who wants to enhance their body proportions and achieve a more sculpted appearance.

While Liposuction can be effective and give significant results most of the time, it is important to note that results can vary from person to person, especially if you don’t take care of what not to do after Liposuction. Like any other surgery, Liposuction also carries possible risks and side effects, and it is essential to learn about them and discuss everything with your practitioner before you make a decision.

Possible Liposuction Side Effects and Complications

Learning about the possible complications and side effects is crucial to understand what not to do after Liposuction and make informed recovery decisions. While generally safe, Liposuction has common side effects, including temporary swelling, bruising, and soreness in the treated areas. These side effects usually subside within a few weeks.

In very rare cases, some serious complications can also occur. Infections, although uncommon, may develop and require medical attention. Excessive bleeding is also a rare but possible risk during and after the surgery. It is also essential to be aware of the risks associated with anesthesia, as adverse reactions can occur.

To minimize these risks and better grasp what to do and what not to do after Liposuction, you should choose a qualified and experienced surgeon and follow post-operative instructions diligently. You should also thoroughly discuss your medical history with your healthcare provider to ensure a safe Liposuction experience.

What Not to Do After Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most renowned cosmetic treatments in the world. It is an excellent option for anyone who wants to eliminate stubborn fat in problem areas and enhance their body contours. However, before getting Liposuction, it is crucial to understand what not to do after Liposuction to ensure safe recovery and successful results.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Someone resting in bed and stretching with a smile

One of the top things on the list of what not to do after Liposuction is Strenuous Activities. You must remember to take it easy. While the desire to return to your routine is understandable, engaging in strenuous activities too soon after the surgery can harm your health.

You should avoid heavy lifting and intense workouts during the initial weeks of recovery. Overexertion can also lead to swelling and discomfort, potentially compromising the results of surgery. Instead, you should focus on gentle activities like short walks, allowing yourself the time and care to heal properly.

Don’t Skip Compression Garments

Women body wearing a compression garment

When discussing what not to do after Liposuction, skipping out on wearing compression garments is also a considerable point. Compression garments are like a supportive hug for your newly sculpted areas. Although some people might be tempted to skip wearing them, thinking they are unnecessary, this could not be further from the truth.

Compression garments play a crucial role in minimizing swelling and supporting the treated areas of your body. Skipping them may result in prolonged swelling, leading to a slow recovery and unsatisfactory results. You must follow your surgeon’s recommendations on the type and duration of compression garment use to achieve the best possible outcome from Liposuction.

Related Article: Does Fat Redistribute After Lipo?>>

Avoid an Unhealthy Diet

Women saying no to fast food

Once the surgery is over and you are recovering, it is vital to understand what to do and what not to do after Liposuction. One of the most crucial things to remember is to avoid an unhealthy diet and, instead, fuel your body with the right nutrients.

You must overcome the temptation to indulge in unhealthy, high-calorie foods that could lead to weight gain, especially in areas that were not treated. You should focus on a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

It is also essential to note that adequate hydration is equally important for your body, contributing to eliminating toxins and supporting a faster recovery. Eating well promotes healing from the inside out, so make nutritious choices to optimize your body’s recovery process.

Don’t Skip Follow-Up Appointments


Your journey does not end in the operating room once you have left; it continues through follow-up appointments with your surgeon. Skipping these check-ups might seem tempting if you feel fine, but they are essential for monitoring your progress and understanding what not to do after Liposuction.

Your surgeon will assess the healing process, address any concerns you may have, and guide you on the next steps in your recovery journey. These appointments are an opportunity to catch and resolve potential issues early on, ensuring the best possible outcome for you. You must never skip follow-up appointments, which are the most crucial part of your healing and recovery.

Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption


Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are on top of the list of what not to do after Liposuction, and for good reason. Smoking and overly consuming alcohol can interfere with your body’s healing process. Nicotine in cigarettes restricts blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the treated areas and increasing the risk of complications after the surgery.

Alcohol can also interact with post-operative medications your surgeon prescribes you and contribute to dehydration. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake during the recovery period will support your body’s natural healing abilities, paving the way for a smoother and faster recovery after Liposuction.

Don’t Ignore Any Signs of Complications


When discussing what not to do after Liposuction, ignoring any signs of complications is crucial. You must be vigilant and attentive to your body’s signals. If you notice excessive redness, swelling, persistent pain, or unusual discharge from the incision sites, you should never ignore it.

These could be signs of infection or complications regarding your Liposuction recovery. You should contact your surgeon promptly if you observe any concerning symptoms. Early intervention can stop complications from escalating, contributing to a more comfortable and successful recovery.

Tips For Recovery After Liposuction

Now that you understand what not to do after Liposuction, learn more about Lipo aftercare and recovery tips. It is important to understand the tips that will help your post-operation journey is also beneficial for your recovery.

Prioritize Rest

Women sleeping peacefully in bed.

One of the most crucial steps is understanding the importance of rest and relaxation. Prioritizing rest after Liposuction will give your body the time and comfort it needs to heal properly. With the right amount of rest and taking a few days off from your daily activities, you can also ensure that your swelling reduces and you feel less discomfort from the surgery.

Stay Hydrated

Women drinking water

Another vital element to aid your recovery is staying hydrated. You must prioritize water intake, which will help your body heal faster and show successful results after your Liposuction. Staying hydrated is one of the main reasons why limiting alcohol consumption is one of the things on the list of what not to do after Liposuction.

Protect Your Skin

Taking care of your skin after Liposuction is also essential for your recovery. You should do everything possible to protect your skin, especially the incision site, from harmful UV rays. This will help enhance the healing process and improve your recovery.

Get Expert Guidance on What Not to Do After Liposuction with Advanced Body Sculpting of New England

Your recovery journey is crucial for your health, and knowing what to do and what not to do after Liposuction in Fall River, MA, can help you make informed decisions. Here at Advanced Body Sculpting of New England, we have a team of expert professionals who will guide you through every step of recovery and provide the support you need. Visit us or call us at (877) 577-5476 to book a consultation!


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